Breathe In Books.

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.”

– George R.R Martin

They say we are the books that we read. Are we actuallly? Are we so good enough to be compared to a book? The answer is No. We’ll never be. But we surely are what we take from it. I am a huge book lover. So I firmly believe that reading books is the best habit that everyone should adapt.

To drown yourself in a book is like swimming in the dead sea. You are just floating there and enjoying hoping you’ll stay like this forever.

You won’t drown in it but still are in it. You know what I mean?

The best feeling ever is when You are reading the book and feel like you are a part of it forgetting everything around you. And then reality hits you. Or one of those moments when you take time from your book to look up around you, feeling so happy about that one line you read and you just want to squeal or sigh or close your eyes or you want someone to declare that line”The Best Line Of The Year”. Yeah, that feeling. The greatest desire of a book lover’s heart( other than wanting the fictional character to be real) is a having a friend or even a stranger to talk about books.

So to all the people who don’t read books, READ. It can be fictional, nonfictional anything. JUST READ.( I prefer fictional) You’ll cry, you’ll laugh. You’ll swear and cheer. You’ll fall in love with simple characters and you’ll loathe imaginary enemies. Sometimes may end up loving them though( I love snape). You’ll read past your bed time. Of all you’ll escape reality. So drown yourself in the sea of knowledge and existence and let the words run through your veins and characters stay in your heart and the story fill your mind.

“Books don’t just go with you, they take you where you’ve never been.”

– Anonymous

To all the book lovers, let me know if you think the same and also what book you are currently reading (I’d love to know) in the comments.

And to the people who are going to start, you are going to have the time of your life. Tell me with what book you are going to start reading.

– The Real Me

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